Dennis J Battock MD FACC

Dennis J Battock MD FACC

About Dennis J Battock


Dr. Battock (Emeritus) founded Aurora Denver Cardiology Associates in 1973 and helped develop ADCA and the Colorado Heart Institute into the respected institutions they are today. Formally stepping down as president in 2001, Dr. Battock continued to be an integral member of ADCA by actively being involved both in patient care on a part-time basis as well as helping to recruit some of the nation's best trained cardiologists to the practice.

Dr. Battock graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 1964 and completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Kings County Hospital in New York City. He returned to Colorado and UCHSC to complete his fellowships in clinical pharmacology and cardiology and served two years in the Army prior to founding ADCA.

The recipient of the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Centennial Recognition Award for Meritorious Service, Dr. Battock has held many administrative positions within the practice as well as at many Denver Metropolitan Area hospitals. A member of the Colorado Medical Society, Aurora Adams County Medical Society, and a contributor to the community at large, he has published numerous articles throughout his career related to his extensive experience in clinical pharmacology and analysis of the physiological effects of drugs, and other interventions in coronary disease and cardiac surgery.

Professional Experience:
Medical Director, Colorado Heart Institute
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCHSC
Fellow, American College of Cardiology
Past Director, Cardiology, The Medical Center of Aurora
Past President of Medical Staff, The Medical Center of Aurora
Past moderator of the Board of Trustees, The Medical Center of Aurora
Past Director of Echocardiology, Rose Medical Center


Medical School: Bachelor of Arts, University of Colorado
Medical Doctor, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Internship: Internal Medicine, Kings County Hospital
Residency: Internal Medicine, Kings County Hospital
Fellowship: Clinical Pharmacology and Cardiology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Major, US Army, Staff Cardiologist, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA


Aurora Denver Cardiology Associates
1444 S. Potomac St. , Suite 300
Aurora, CO 80012